
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Giving and Receiving - The Angel Therapy Handbook

How do you feel about people accepting money for spiritually based actions?

If you hold an idealistic sense of altruism, a belief that we should freely give that which God gave to us, I totally understand your feelings. And if you have other sources of income that still allow you enough time to focus upon your spiritual teaching and healing work, then wonderful! Feel free to give away your spiritual offerings as you are guided to.

For many people, volunteer work and selfless service are the foundations of personal spiritual growth. And I got my first job as a counselor after volunteering at a hospital for several months, so there are also practical benefits to donating your time.

Those who abhor the idea of accepting payment for spiritual work are likely recalling past lifetimes when they lived in communal settings such as a lamasery (a monastery of lamas) or monastery. In those lifetimes, your food and shelter were provided for. You were free to focus upon your spiritual path without regard for earning an income.

But in modern times, we usually need to a salary to pay our bills. You don’t live in a communal setting; and you’re responsible for your utilities, mortgage, and groceries. You likely have a job right now that pays your bills. The question is: do you love your job?

I believe that we’re meant to work in jobs that bring us and others joy. We’re meant to have careers that are personally meaningful, which we feel good about. And when we love our work, everything else (like getting paid) naturally falls into place.

When you love what you do, your primary focus isn’t money based; it’s love based. Yet, you still make money, because this is the natural order of giving and receiving.

Giving and Receiving Are Equally Important

When you give a reading or conduct a counseling session, workshop, or other helpful offering, it’s only right that you receive something in exchange. Giving and receiving are equally important energies, and both are required for a balanced life.

Lightworkers are natural givers and caretakers. It’s in our souls, instincts, and DNA to help others to feel happier and healthier. So we don’t want to block or fight this inclination.

However, it’s vital to balance all that giving with an equal measure of receiving. Some lightworkers feel uncomfortable receiving, because the ego makes you feel:

• Obligated: “If you give something to me, then I owe you.”

• Unneeded: “As long as I’m the one doing the giving, then I’m needed. But if you give to me, then I need you.”

• Out of control: “I can control myself and my actions, but I can’t control you if you’re giving to me.”

• Guilty: “I don’t feel worthy of receiving from you.”

• Passive-aggressive: “I don’t want to give you the satisfaction of pleasing me.”

These (usually unconscious) ego-based feelings and fears can stem from past lifetimes where you played the role of servant or slave or were otherwise controlled. Usually, however, these blocks stem from listening to the ego, which is all about fear, and its under-the-radar plan is to keep you from remembering your Divine identity and life purpose. The ego wants to keep you and others afraid and insecure, because that’s its foundation and lifeblood.

Fortunately, you don’t have any reason to listen to the ego’s blather, because your higher self (who is one with God) is that part of you that performs the spiritual services you’re offering. Your higher self already is a spiritual teacher, healer, lightworker, and so forth.

You express pure Divine love, wisdom, and creativity through your higher self, like a clear prism on a sunny day.

If you only give and don’t allow yourself to receive, you’ll feel burned-out and drained. You’ll also be resentful, because deep down, you’ll wish that others would guess your needs and fulfill them. This isn’t fair in relationships, though. You’ve got to tell people what is important to you. If they’re unresponsive to your needs and you’ve clearly outlined what they are, well, then it’s time to rethink that relationship.

Giving is a masculine energy, and receiving is a feminine energy. As discussed in my book Divine Magic, both are needed in a well-balanced life. Besides, receiving and feminine energy are the basis of psychic awareness. To hear the Divine messages, you’ve got to be receptive. Otherwise, it’s like having a conversation where no one is listening.

Every day, practice giving and receiving at least three times. When someone offers to help you, smile and say, “Yes, please” or “Thank you.” Give any guilt or other harsh emotions to God and the angels. The exception would be if you get a strong gut feeling not to interact with a particular person. Always follow your gut.

When your clients or students pay you, similarly just say, “Thank you,” and write them a receipt. Please don’t talk about your discomfort or guilt about accepting money. Save that conversation for God and your guardian angels, who can reassure you and heal your feelings.

By accepting payment for your services, you are performing an “energy exchange,” where the giving you just expended is balanced by receiving payment. Your clients or students will appreciate your services even more, since they exchanged something of value in order to receive it.

You are no different from other healers who accept payment, such as doctors or nurses (which are also sacred professions like yours).

As you put a price on your services, you are supported in important ways. The money allows you to devote more time to your healing and teaching practice. If you don’t accept it, then you’ll have to spend valuable time at a job to earn it . . . and this is time that you could use instead in service to your students, clients, and God. The money you earn can also be donated to your favorite charity.

Your past lifetime where you stood with a begging bowl is over. Today, you are a professional who deserves remuneration for your work. Remember that God answers prayers through people. Your students and clients who want to pay you for your work are part of the answer to your prayers. Just say “Yes” and “Thank you,” as you allow yourself to receive.

Excerpted from “The Angel Therapy Handbook” by Doreen Virtue, available in most languages at online bookstores, ebook, and bookstores.
Blessed be,

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Alan's Testimonial

I knew Alan from one of my colleagues who is studying in the same Private University as him. I am very grateful to her for recommending Alan to teach Principle of Accounts to Keith, as Keith is currently taking his O'levels this year.

I received good feedback from Keith's mom, when I met up with her for some snacks last week. She complimented that both Alan and Jane are very good tutors and I would like to share a testimonial that Keith wrote for Alan :)

Alan is planning to do tuition full time eventually, and is in my opinion, he is excellent at teaching Accounting.

Do contact me if you would like to engage Alan for Principle of Accounts tuition for find out more :)

Blessed be,
